ph. me

Hello, it's Pancake Tuesday!
So let's start whisking!
This recipe makes light and fluffy pancakes. It's basic and simple, and you will love it.
2 cups of flour (235 gr )
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 vanilla sugar
2 cups of milk
4 tablespoons oil
2 eggs

Mix dry and wet ingredients separately at first then combine just before cooking
Heat your pan to a medium temperature.
Cook the pancakes until the upper side of the pancake is blistering and bubbling, and then it's time to cook the second side, and this needs only about 1 minute.

And they are ready to be served! 

p.s. I love to eat them with fresh fruits, home made jams but also without any ingredient on top cause they are really tasty, not to sweet but you can still feel the right amount of vanilla which makes them even more yummy.

Nakon duge potrage za pravom merom i  nekoliko promašenih recepata uspela sam da pronađem onaj koji mi se dopada. Zbog toga sa vama danas delim omiljeni recept za američke palačinke!
Jednostavan je i lagan za pripremu, te sam sasvim sigurna da će se i vama dopasti.

2 šolje brašna
2 kašičice praška za pecivo
1/2 kašičica soli
2 kašike šećera
1 vanilin šećer
2 šolje mleka
4 kašike ulja
2 jajeta

Odvojeno umešati suve i vlažne sastojke. 
Lagano ih spojite i mutite mikserom 2-3 minuta.
Podmazani tiganj zagrejte na srednjoj temperaturi.
Pecite oko minut (znaćete da je donja strana pečena kada se sa gornje pojave rupice).
Služite uz vama omiljene sastojke! 
Prijatno! :)

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